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Christopher's Original Formulas, Kid-e-Mins, Vitamins & Minerals, 2 oz

Christopher's Original Formulas, Kid-e-Mins, Vitamins & Minerals, 2 oz
Item# CO0118
Our Price:$15.93
Availability:Usually ships out within 48 hours of processing
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BrandChristopher's Original Formulas
ProductKid-e-Mins, Vitamins & Minerals
Package Size2 oz

Christopher's Kid-e-Mins, Vitamins & Minerals

Nature balanced, whole food vitamin and mineral supplement. This combination of Jurassic Green, dandelion, kelp, purple dulce, spirulina, Irish moss, rose hips, beet, nutritional yeast, cayenne, blue violet, oatstraw, ginger barley and flash-dried wheat grass juices an organic source of vitamins and minerals that are easy to assimilate because they are whole foods. The Kid-E-Mins formula is in a glycerine base.

Kid-E-Mins is 100% whole foods, not fractionated.

Jurassic Green (Certified Organic & Flash Dried Juices of Alfalfa, Barley & Wheat Grass), Rose Hips, Oatstraw Herb, Purple Dulse leaf, Ginger Root, Dandelion Root, Kelp Herb, Spirulina, Irish Moss, Beet Root, Nutritional Yeast, Cayenne Pepper (40,000 H.U.), Blue Violet Herb & Carrot Juice.

Shake well. Take 1 dropperful 3 times daily, or as needed.

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