商品品牌 | Source Naturals |
商品中文名 | 濃縮有機初榨椰子油軟膠囊 |
包裝大小 | 120粒 |
商品英文名 | Source Naturals, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 120 Softgels |
Source Naturals 濃縮天然有機初榨椰子油軟膠囊
椰子油Coconut Oil 作為食品和保健用途已有良久歷史,更是亞洲、非洲和太平洋群島人民的食品。 印度草藥(阿育吠陀)使用這種天然油分更超過4000年歷史,椰子油比大多數食用油的熱量都要低。 椰子油的主要成分是中鏈甘油三酯(MCTS),這些相比長鏈甘油三酯(LCT)不那麽容易為人體儲存為體內脂肪。 而且椰子油蘊含人體必需脂肪酸,是完美的油分補充劑。本產品有機特級初榨椰子油 Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 採用軟膠囊劑型,更方便攜帶和和易於吞嚥。
有機特級初榨椰子油 4克
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
Medium Chain Fatty Acids
Long a dietary staple of the people of Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands, coconut oil has been used for both food and health care. It has been used in Ayurvedic herbalism for 4,000 years and it is a natural oil, lower in calories than most oils. Coconut oil is composed of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are less likely to be stored in the body as fat than are long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). Combined with essential fatty acids, it is a perfect addition to an overall healthy lipid program.
These Coconut Oil softgels are convenient and easy to swallow.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 4 Softgels
Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 4 g
Other Ingredients: gelatin and titanium dioxide
Suggested Use: 4 to 8 Extra Virgin Coconut Oil softgels daily with meals.
Warning: If you are pregnant, may become pregnant or are breastfeeding, consult your health care professional before using this product.