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Nature's Best Isopure 低卡朱古力蛋白質粉 3磅 Protein Powder

Nature's Best Isopure 低卡朱古力蛋白質粉 3磅 Protein Powder
商品編號: HK-EUS-760013
麗日價: $100.48
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商品品牌Nature's Best
商品中文名Isopure 低卡朱古力蛋白質粉
商品英文名Nature's Best, Perfect Low Carb Isopure Protein Powder, Dutch Chocolate, 3 lbs

Nature's Best Isopure 低卡朱古力蛋白質粉

  • 優質乳清蛋白!
  • 不含糖分!

Isopure 蛋白質粉主要成分:

Beta-Lactoglobulin (55-62%).
Alpha-Lactalbumin (19-22%).
Immunoglobulin (9-10%).
Bovine Serum Albumin (6-8%).
Lactoferrin (.5-1%).

Isopure 蛋白質粉每份含有:

3465mg of Isoleucine.
7865mg of Leucine.
3080mg of Valine.
4.6g of L-Glutamine.

2勺 Isopure 低卡朱古力蛋白質粉兌12安士水服用。