Source Naturals 大豆異黃酮(金雀異黃酮)片
大豆異黃酮(金雀異黃酮) Genistein 是從大豆中獲得的主要異黃酮素(Isoflavone)。自1966 年以來Genistein一直是科學研究的焦點。很多研究顯示,異黃酮類結構與雌性激素相近,有助維持細胞健康對抗頑疾。
1, 維持心臟健康
2, 對抗細胞突變
3, 抗氧化排毒
4, 預防骨質疏鬆
大豆異黃酮(金雀異黃酮) Genistein的主要來源是大豆,然而光靠正常飲食攝取足夠的Genistein是非常困難的,服用Genistein補充劑是個不錯的選擇。
本產品由富含異黃酮素的大豆粉經標準提煉過程製成,保證每粒都含有足夠的Genistein供人體作用補充。提煉過程要求嚴謹,絕不使用化學物質,超過400 磅的大豆原材料也只能產生1磅Genistein精華。
專利大豆粉末(Soylife?) 2克
Daidzein 34毫克
Glycitein 20 毫克
大豆異黃酮(金雀異黃酮) Genistein 8 毫克
硬脂酸、山梨糖醇、膠質二氧化矽、纖維素膠, 和鎂硬脂酸鹽。
每日兩次,每次服2粒,飽肚服, 或依照醫生或藥劑師指示服用。
本產品適合素食者服用,不含酵母、奶類、蛋、麵筋, 或麥子。絕不含糖類、澱粉、防腐劑、或人造色素、調味, 或香芬等。
注意: 孕婦或喂哺母乳者服用前請先諮詢您的醫生或藥劑師意見。
Genistein Soy Isoflavones 1,000 mg Tablets and Powder
Isoflavones are a type of phytoestrogen found in high amounts in soy foods.
Genistein is one of the most metabolically active isoflavones. Soy isoflavones,
including genistein, have a weak estrogenic effect in the body that can be either
agonistic or antagonistic. In other words, phytoestrogens can either mimic or
block the effect of estrogen. Soy isoflavones can reduce the incidence
of hot menopausal hot flashes, and can also help maintain a healthy prostate
gland in men.
Soybean is one of the plants containing the isoflavone genistein, which can
help regulate and maintain normal menstrual cycles and menopausal transitions.
In addition, it provides a wide variety of the many health benefits associated
with soy.
Genistein and Estrogen
The subject of scientific studies since 1966, genistein research has been published
in many respected journals. In vitro, genistein has been shown to bind to the
same receptor sites as estrogen. This may help to maintain normal menstrual
cycles and menopausal transitions by two competing and seemingly paradoxical
actions. By competing for human estrogen receptors, genistein may reduce the
effects of estrogen in the body. Conversely, when there is too little estrogen
(the situation during menopause), phytoestrogens - genistein and daidzein -
may substitute for the lack of human estrogen, mitigating the effects of its
Genistein and Cell Growth
One of genistein's most promising functions is its potential to inhibit capillary
proliferation. According to studies done in vitro, genistein protects tissues
by neutralizing vascular endothelial growth factor (vegF). Soybeans are the
only significant dietary source of genistein; however, most Americans fail to
consume soy foods in significant amounts. In Asia, the daily intake can be up
to 20 times that of a Western diet.
Supplement Facts for 1,000 mg
Serving Size: 2 tablets
Amount %DV
Isoflavone-Rich Soybean Powder (SoyLife) 2,000 mg
Yielding approximately:
Daidzein 34 mg
Glycitein 20 mg
Genistein 8 mg
Total Isoflavones: 62 mg
Other Ingredients: stearic acid, dibasic calcium phosphate, colloidal silicon
dioxide, sorbitol, modified cellulose gum and magnesium stearate.
Warning: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your health care professional
before using Genistein Soy Isoflavones product.
Suggested Use: Two Genistein Soy Isoflavones tablets, twice daily with
a meal.
Source Naturals Genistein Soy Isoflavones are suitable for vegetarians: contains
no yeast, dairy, egg, gluten, or wheat. Contains no sugar, preservatives, artificial
color, flavor, or flagrance.