* 左右為難,猶豫不決,對事情缺乏判斷力
* 如何抉擇的痛苦只會獨自在心內掙紮,不對外人說
* 因為搖擺不定,造成情緒不穩,舉止失措
Bach英國巴哈花精 使用方法(擇一即可):
1. 一天四次,一次四滴,直接從巴哈花精瓶中取用滴於舌下,含住1分鐘再行吞服。
2. 加四滴巴哈花精於飲水中稀釋(以白開水稀釋效果較佳),一天之內間斷啜飲完畢。
3. 每種取二滴加入複方空瓶中以30ml開水稀釋,一天至少四次。爾後每次取約10滴於飲水中,建議七天內需飲用完畢。
4. 每次兩滴,直接塗抹於手腕內側及耳後。

Bach Flower Essence - Scleranthus
Indecisiveness. Forever in between choices.
Scleranthus: This essence is for feelings of uncertainty and the inability
to make a decision when faced with two choices. Scleranthus enables you to choose
without a second thought.
About Bach Flower Essences
Bach Flower Essences has been used all over the world since the 1930s. The Bach
Flower Essences is a system of 38 Flower Essences that corrects emotional imbalances:
negative emotions are replaced with positive. The Bach Flower Essences are 100%
safe and natural and work in conjunction with herbs, homeopathy and medications.
They are safe for everyone, including children, pregnant women, pets, elderly
and even plants. The Bach Flower Essences are simple and easy to use for anyone.
Suggested Use:
Take 2 drops in a small glass of water and sip at intervals or take directly
on the tongue.