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Apiario Silvestre 野花牌巴西極品綠蜂膠 30 ml Green Propolis

Apiario Silvestre 野花牌巴西極品綠蜂膠 30 ml Green Propolis
商品編號: HK-RNP-Propolis
麗日價: $43.99
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商品品牌Royal Natural Products
商品中文名Apiario Silvestre 野花牌巴西極品綠蜂膠
包裝大小30 ml
商品英文名Royal Natural Products, Apiario Silvestre Green Propolis, 30 ml


巴西野花蜂業國際有限公司北美亞太區唯一合法總代理 -- 加拿大皇家天然品有限公司


  • 巴西國家蜂膠實驗室,聖保羅大學,巴西聯邦農業部,美國FDA登記注冊,日本食品營養與健康協會,GMP Certified。
  • 巴西原裝Class A野生綠蜂膠,專供出口美國加拿大。
  • 淨濃度最高(85%),絕無蜂蠟,雜質,不含酒精,不分層,無沈澱。
  • 各類活性物質含量最高,數倍數十倍與同類産品: 類黃酮業界含量最高標准16.9mg/ml, 酚多體3.5%。

- 是一種珍貴的天然廣譜抗生物質
- 是一種珍貴的天然免疫增強劑
- 是一種珍貴的天然抗氧化劑
- 是一種最珍的全天然美容物質
- 是抗腫瘤之寶
- 是高血糖患者的保護神
- 防治心腦血管疾病
- 有保肝護肝作用

它不是蜜蜂的食品或營養品,而是蜜蜂自身用來消炎殺毒和保健的藥品。是蜜蜂采集膠源性植物的樹脂摻和其上腭腺及蠟腺分泌物,經蜜蜂反複加工塗到蜂巢入口、內壁,以保持巢內無菌狀態的膠狀物質。全世界最好蜂膠産在巴西,巴西蜂膠以綠蜂膠爲上乘,巴西野花公司綠蜂膠開發最早、曆史最長、質量最好,特別是專供出口美國、加拿大和亞太地區的,選用廠內12種等級中的最高等級 "CLASS A"的野花牌極品綠蜂膠,100%全進口,並打印醒目紅色漢字:“野花牌極品綠蜂膠”,在中國銷售印有國家規定的標簽認證和商標注冊。野花牌極品綠蜂膠,是大自然帶給人類最珍貴的健康養生極品。品牌二十七年享譽全球,是國際上頂級産品。請在認購時,驗明正身,謹防假冒僞劣。








Health Canada NPN: 80006418
USA FDA registration No.: 10328566522

Royal Natural Apiario Silvestre Green Propolis

  • Genuine Top Quality Brazilian Green Propolis.
  • Glycolic Solution.
  • Non Alcoholic.
  • Made in Brazil.

Apiario Silvestre Brazil Class A Green Propolis
The pioneer in apiculture and propolis manufacture in Brazil 27 years of experience in research and manufacture as well as the No. 1 seller in Brazil. Authorized Association Certification (Brazil National Popolis Research Center, University of St. Paul, Brazilian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, various health departments, GMP Certified, USA FDA Registered) Dry weight (85%), No beeswax, No alcohol, No heavy metals High concentration of bioactive molecules: flavonoids 16.9mg/ml, and phenolic substances 3.5%.

Propolis is a resinous substance collected by worker bees from the bark of trees and leaves of plants. This salivary and enzymatic secretions-enriched material is used by bees to cover hive walls to ensure a hospital-clean environment. As a natural honeybee hive product, propolis extracts have been used both internally and externally for thousands of years as a healing agent in traditional medicine.

Internal use:
Dilute into 100 mL of water and drink before a meal. 15-40 drops each time, two or three times a day.

External use:
Apply 3-5 drops of propolis to infected areas.

Caution: Propolis is not recommended for babies under 12 months. Do not take propolis with tea or coffee. If you are allergic to propolis or have any concerns, please consult your family doctor before using it.